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Did you know?

2.7 million children in the U.S. have a father in prison.   (See: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families/Office of Family Assistance, 2018)

50% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders are from fatherless homes.
(See: University of Minnesota Medical School, 2018)

82,000 children in the State of Pennsylvania have an incarcerated parent or parents. (See: Pa. Gov.)

30,000 children in the city of Philadelphia have an incarcerated parent or parents, 13,000 are paternal parents. (See: Phila. Daily News)



F.A.C.T. is an experience that is utilized to bring fathers and children together; though this is only the starting point.

During the F.A.C.T. Experience, fathers learn of the trauma that their child suffers from due to having an incarcerated father. This trauma is clearly expressed by children of all ages, and the evidence shows when they speak about their pain. They aren’t just speaking for themselves  but, providing testimony for all children with an incarcerated parent. Also, F.A.C.T. brings out social skills between children who don’t know each other but realize they have something in common.


The Power of F.A.C.T. helps fathers, along with their children, address the pain, as well as many other issues caused by their absence, and assists them in starting a process of healing without any fear or judgment.

The Power of F.A.C.T. provides a space with an atmosphere that promotes healing plus give opportunity to reveal and uncover some truths that the fathers and their children may not feel comfortable expressing in any other setting.

The Power of F.A.C.T. ignites unity and creates a community amongst the fathers and shows their children that they are not alone. F.A.C.T. forms a bond between the mothers, fathers, grandparents, caregivers, and most importantly the children.

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1200 Mokychic Drive Collegeville, PA 19426 

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